Mission Statement
The Team

Meet the Managing Director
Vince Borg
What is the main driver of the V&C Group’s success?
We have been in business for over three decades and we’re now involved in various market sectors. Yet one thing has remained constant throughout: we strive to execute every project and drive every initiative with pride in our work, always aiming for perfection.
How do you do that?
I think that the combination of being a family business with outside contributors at all levels, goes a long way to answer this question. Pulling the same rope, loyalty across the entire organisational spectrum, sincerity, striving for steady but prudent expansion, and enthusiasm are the main values which constitute our Group’s grid, as it were. In turn, we offer our staff fairly attractive incentives and conditions. It all seems to work. Indeed, one achievement I am most proud of is our low staff turnover.
You have diversified rapidly and widely. Why?
I must admit that initially I was sceptical about entering markets we were not acquainted with. But with Christabelle’s persistence and fact-based market analysis I came round to the idea. Today, I am totally convinced that it was the right path to take. Even on financial terms, it makes perfect sense not to put all of one’s eggs in one basket.
Do you worry that with diversification you run the risk of becoming a Jack of all trades?
No, not really. We don’t enter new markets blindly. Before taking the plunge, apart from conducting robust market research, we also ensure that we can
allocate the right resources and put all the systems and oversight mechanisms solidly in place.
Your Group has executed some of the country’s largest road and construction projects. What goes through your head when you’re about to embark on one of them?
We start with the simplest consideration – start and end dates. Those are the parameters within which everything has to happen. Then the magic lies is being able to synchronise, manage and liaise with a whole range of professionals in public and private entities, organise logistics and resource allocation according to that timeline. In addition, particularly with roadworks, everything has to happen with as little disruption to traffic flow as possible.
Having been in business for over three decades, how would you frame the role of technology in your business?
Today, technology changes everything at all times and at all levels. The key, however, is that it is always change for the better. In this vein, we regularly invest in equipment with low emissions, recycling facilities, environmentally-friendly building materials, and technology-based systems which strengthen our oversight processes.
What does the future hold for the V&C Group?
Locally, we will continue to strive to do even better in all the sectors we have a footprint in, as well as explore new ones. Having said this, Malta’s size
puts a natural limit on growth. Therefore, we are simultaneously looking at options to venture abroad in a small number of sectors in which we have expertise and a track record.

Meet the CEO
Christabelle Camilleri
It is uncanny. Reviewing this Group profile, even I was surprised with the extent of solid growth and wide-ranging diversification we have gone through over recent years.
Neither growth nor diversification happened by accident, of course. We have been locked into this path and speeding ahead for quite a while now. Our vision was and remains steeped in the deep-seated belief that the entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds. Harnessed by prudent risk-taking, sound management and a sense of judgement, business flourishes naturally and re-invents itself in as many market sectors you throw in its path.
None of this would have been possible without the founders, board members and staff who truly are a winning team. It is to them that this website is dedicated.

We are proud of the following achievements..
Malta Best in Business Awards, 2019 – 2021
Best Building and Construction Company
Malta Best in Business Awards, 2019 – 2021
Project Contractor of the Year
Corporate Vision Magazine Awards, UK, 2021
Best Construction and Property Development Group in Malta
Planning Authority Malta Architecture & Spatial Planning Awards, 2019
Best Urban Design of the Year
Planning Authority’s Malta Architecture & Spatial Planning Awards, 2020
Best Interior Architecture for Commercial and Public Building Projects
Malta’s Best in Business Awards, 2021
Best Architectural Firm
Project Description
Experienced employees
Years of experience
Completed projects
Group values
Sustainable Growth
We believe that we borrow this country and this planet from our forefathers and hold it in trust until we bequeath it to future generations. Through the latest specialized technologies and skill sets we are determined to deliver the best goods and services to our clients. We are equally determined to use the same tools to respect our country’s environment and that of our planet.
Today, innovation is the oxygen of any business. It is not a one off exercise to be revisited every few years. Innovation is the daily light shed on the future one’s business. Dim that light and the business gropes in dark. Make it brighter and the future looks clearer and promising.
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Bo Bennett, the famous author and social scientist, once said, “Success is not what you have, but who you are.” This dictum inspired our Group from its inception. We grew and became market leaders in various sectors because we pursued success. Financial reward was the consequence of that success, not its motivator. It will remain so.
We operate in …